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Mostrando postagens com marcador regional integration. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador regional integration. Mostrar todas as postagens

sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2018

Regional integration in LatAm: the case of Mercosur - Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Regional integration in Latin America: an historical essay

Paulo Roberto de Almeida
 [Objetivo: complementar trabalho 3043; finalidade: Meridiano 47]

Recebi, em 3 de abril, a seguinte mensagem dos editores de Meridiano 47, a partir da submissão do artigo escrito seguinte: “Regional integration in Latin America: historical developments, current challenges, especially in Mercosur”:
“ (…) Temos a satisfação de anunciar que o seu artigo foi aceito e que será publicado no volume 18 de Meridiano 47, tão logo seja concluída a sua produção editorial. (…)
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Nota preparada para atender ao pedido dos editores do boletim Meridiano 47.

The evolution of Mercosul in the world context
Historical and analytical essay on the evolution of the regional integration process, especially of Mercosur, in the South American Southern Cone, created in 1991 on the basis of a previous bilateral experiment between Brazil and Argentina (the 1988 treaty of integration and the 1990 Buenos Aires Act, both promising a bilateral common market, first in 10 years, then in 5 years). Resulting from the intention of Paraguay and Uruguay to join in this process, the Asunción treaty was signed in the Paraguayan capital in March 1991, and the new, quadrilateral, Mercosur confirmed the same objectives of the Buenos Aires Act, starting a progressive and automatic process of tariff reduction among the four member countries, in order to create a free trade zone, complemented by a Common External Tariff, the basis of a Customs Union.
Mercosur was thus confirmed in December 1994 as a new promising common market, with other objectives in view. Although impressive advances were made in its 8 years of existence, up to 1999, absence of a more structured process of coordination of macroeconomic and sectorial policies, and of a real convergence in other sectors – such as harmonization of rules and norms for many areas of economic activities, such as services of administrative regulation, including taxation and other fiscal dispositions – the integration process was hampered by the economic crises (exchange rate policies, external debt, and balance of payments disequilibrium) in the two major members, which resulted in a serious decline of intra-trade flows.
For the rest of its existence, Mercosur knew few, if any, advances in its economic and commercial interface, as Argentina and Brazil started new orientations in their overall economic policies, less open to economic opening and trade liberalization, and more in line with nationalistic and interventionist policies (Nestor Kirchner in Argentina, Lula da Silva in Brazil). There was a real stagnation in the integration process, due to this change in main priorities in each country. Mercosur today is actually less relevant either for its member countries or for their integration into the world economy than it was the case at the origin, because member countries or the customs union itself kept themselves away from new trade negotiations and agreements with foreign partners. Mercosur countries are virtually absent from the most important global value chains in the new global economy.

Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Brasília, 13 de abril de 2018